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Splendeor 浮世繁华 顾盼生辉 我在追梦华录啦~

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第50章 Splendeor 浮世繁华 顾盼生辉 我在追梦华录啦~

《梦华录》的英文为A dream of Splendor,为据关汉卿原着《赵盼儿风月救风尘》改编的2022年中国大陆古装剧。

原文:“menghualu” is set in the prosperous Song capital tokyo, and tells the story of Zhao paner (played by Liu Yifei), who opened a teahouse in qiantang, and received the good?news?that her fiancé ouyang xu rank the third in the civil examination in tokyo.


原文:what was waiting was the?news?that ouyang xu had broken off the marriage. Unwilling to her fate, she vowed to go to toyko to seek justice. on the way, she rescued Song Yinzhang (Lin Yun), who was deceived and abused by her marriage, and Sun Sanniang (Liu Yan), who had been abandoned by her husband. the three sisters faced the predicament together.


原文:what was waiting was the?news?that ouyang xu had broken off the marriage. Unwilling to her fate, she vowed to go to toyko to seek justice. on the way, she rescued Song Yinzhang (Lin Yun), who was deceived and abused by her marriage, and Sun Sanniang (Liu Yan), who had been abandoned by her husband. the three sisters faced the predicament together.


原文:the characters in “meng hua lu” are vivid and full, and the starring lineup is also very eye-catching. Liu Yifei has acted in a tV series again after a lapse of 16 years, and both fans and passers-by audiences are looking forward to her performance.


原文:the presentation of the quality of the drama is inseparable from a strong behind-the-scenes team. during the shooting, director Yang Yang became a “detail control” and spared no effort to present better results; screenwriter Zhang wei has also created many excellent female-themed films and tV series.




different from how tea was brewed during the tang era,?the primary way tea was made during the Song dynasty was through dian cha.


绿茶 green tea 、红茶 black tea、黑茶 dark tea、乌龙\/青茶 oolong tea、黄茶 yellow tea、白茶 white tea


铁观音 tie Guanyin tea\/tat-Kuan-Yin tea \/ Iron buddism

龙井茶 Longjing tea\/Lungching \/ dragon well tea

君山银针 Junshan Silver Needle tea

碧螺春 biluochun tea\/ pi Lou chun

牡丹绣球 peony Jasmine tea

黄山毛峰 huangshan maofeng

岩茶 Rock tea

菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea

大红袍 dahongpao tea (wuyi mountain Rock tea)

普洱 pu er tea

茉莉花茶 Jasmine tea

太平猴魁 taiping houkui tea

大白毫 white milli- Silver Needle tea

信阳毛尖 xinyang maojian tea (Green tea)


tea pot 茶壶、tea pad 壶垫、tea plate、茶船

tea pitcher茶盅、lid saucer 盖置、tea serving tray奉茶盘

tea cup 茶杯、cup saucer杯托、tea towel tray 茶巾盘

tea holder 茶荷、tea towel 茶巾、tea brush 茶拂

water kettle 水壶、tea basin 水盂、covered bowl 盖碗

tea spoon 茶匙、tea canister 茶罐、tea bowl 茶碗


拒绝pua 拒绝不断告诉赵盼儿你就是乐 妓就是贱民



有些士大夫虚伪恶心到还不如乐 妓[心]






寒门往上爬就是在计算在 考量在权衡就是这样子经济适婚为了之后的发展


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经典收藏都市女儿国 诡秘:群星归位者 文体巨星 系统空间灵泉水:天灾末世养夫郎 诡秘:第五支柱 诡秘:我儿子是罗塞尔 七零知青我为中医扛大旗 女尊:极寒天灾,自带空间宠夫郎 天灾来袭:我的空间啥也不缺 天灾,重生回到末世初始 我在聊斋左道长生 盗墓:倒斗从收小弟开始 手握空间,修仙如饮水 天禁传 我在异界诛鬼魅 生而为人,香烟敬神 穿书之团宠小厨娘已躺平 神豪榜一大姐只想养老不玩男播 快穿:她可是任务王 原神:作为魔神的我,横行提瓦特 
最近更新穿越六零,咸鱼要科研强国 快穿七情六欲都是我的养料 女皇武则天 秦氏修仙家族,开局寒晶矿当矿奴 猛鬼故事情怀篇 入仙门,一人,一剑,踏长生 换亲后,少年将军不禁撩 侯爷宠妾灭妻:和离改嫁战神皇叔 我在异界养猫 神落人间之风吹枫叶落 亮剑:鬼子,时代变了 木叶:我,鸣人!吃下森森果实! 人在超神,我能穿越诸天万界 从六零年代到修真界 禁止离婚,盛总上瘾难戒 筝箫误:重生之错惹清冷太傅 六零娇知青,糙汉拿命宠 穷小子成仙记 二十四异 京剧猫之心羽 
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