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大家在看引她放纵 彩礼十万,我和陌生总裁契约领证了 我无限回档,洞悉所有底牌 龙符 喂!叫你做年代文炮灰没叫你虐渣 来自一位盗墓者的自传 家族修仙:李氏仙族 妻妾同娶?我当场休书,转身嫁给渣男皇叔 我的供货商遍布三千小世界 让你随军,没让你成为家属院核心 
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第135章 里尔克:给青年诗人写的信1

today I’m going to read one more paragraph from Austrian poet Rainer maria Rilke’s Letters to A Young poet.


You are so young, all still lies ahead of you, and I should like to ask you, as best as I can, dear sir, to be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms, like books written in a foreign tongue. do not now strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now. perhaps then you will gradually, without noticing it, live your way into the answer, one distant day in the future.


I’m sure Rilke also craved answers when he was younger. It doesn’t mean as we bee older we grow out of questions. we just get used to the fact that no one lives pletely free of confusion and questions are a natural part of life. Leave the questions to life, and life will crack it for you when the time es.


It reminds me of all the questions that kept me unsettled throughout my college years and early career. what if I fail an exam? Shall I find a job after graduation? what kind of job fits me? And when can I expect a pay raise? I looked for answers, and of course answers didn’t e to me until a point when I suddenly found the questions all gone. then of course new questions emerged, and the process repeated itself.


I’ve learned to have questions as pany, acknowledging their existence and seeking no immediate answer. the world is not perfect, and I don’t crave for it to be perfect. I live my questions for now, and I live my way into the answer.


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经典收藏都市女儿国 我无限回档,洞悉所有底牌 综漫:不务正业的厨师 影视之旅从知否开始 诡异游戏入侵,氪金十亿当鬼王 诡秘:群星归位者 穿到六零满世界找宝藏 天灾末世:我携万亿物资横行 空间:我在六零守活寡 文体巨星 有抽奖的我要誓死守护美好 诸天影视从大江大河开始 天灾末世,我带着空间重生了 柯南:开局成为智慧之神 诡秘:我儿子是罗塞尔 邪恶力量之我有诸天 徐氏家族,符道求长生 天灾来袭:我的空间啥也不缺 天灾,重生回到末世初始 我在异界诛鬼魅 
最近更新青铜秘藏 来自猎魔人世界的虚空开拓者 仙门逆世天尊 我乃大天官 神洲梦 提篮桥进修后,穿到红楼当丫鬟 侯子高老师我保了 白月光重生七回,被我干掉六次 为白月光挖我肾?我换个男人宠 玄黄古卷:剑灵 IS番外篇:蓝色蒲公英 独掌三千界 杂然一体录 快穿:炮灰他不爱后,主角发疯了 退婚后,成功召唤女帝 好久不见,少年 日盛岁安 战神王妃沐灵汐 火影:查克拉狗都不要 四合院:大灾之年,我先杀易中海 
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